
December 2, 2010

Christopher Füllemann: Accidanto

Accidanto, 2010, wood, sand, wax, plastic, acrylic paint, polyurethane, latex, 90x90x200cm

The starting point of the sculpture Accidanto is the idea that our history can be seen as an accumulation of different organic components and that each of the layers of the accumulation represent an imprint of different kind of energies that the evolution of nature as well as our civilization create. For that reason, I assembled different forms of pieces of wood and plastic leaves, from bottom to top, creating a fluid elevation. A mix of sand and wax was added as a coat of mineral component and then a large quantity of wax with different layers of color, each color representing the color of the human aura. The use of wax is relevant as a warm, skinny and living material. As the final gesture, I put a balloon filled with foam to accentuate the elevation movement and the contrast with the movement of the gravity of the wax cascade.

This sculpture aspires to expand out of its material limits, to play with the surrounding space, with the different directions that it creates through its abundant colors and shapes. The idea of being physically involved with the sculpture as well as creating an energetic sculpture motivated my creative process. The human scale of the sculpture reinforces that physical aspect.

can be seen as an equilibrium of different ideas. The physical experience of walking around the sculpture and the various proposals of view and movement are its strength.

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